New Team Members at River Valley BHWC
Angela Eischens, MA, LMFT, Reiki Master - STARTING IN OCTOBER
Angela Eischens is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Reiki Master healer. Angela earned her Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Argosy University in 2007. She uses her extensive training and experience in the treatment of traumatic stress, developmental trauma, intuitive and energy healing abilities, and personal lived experiences
to support those who are highly sensitive, experiencing anxiety, stress, depression, and those trying to work through traumatic lived experiences... find out more
Wellness Strategy: 1-2-3 Smile!
An exercise you can use to quickly change a negative emotional state.
"123 Smile" is a simple exercise that can quickly alter the way you are feeling. When we allow our mouth to turn upwards in a smile, we release endorphins in our brain, which activates a chemical reaction and releases neuropeptides that make us feel better. There is science to this, however, the important part is to recognize the power of a smile. When you smile you signal a chemical reaction within your brain releasing certain neuropeptides, including the, let me
feel great, neurotransmitters, dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin which contribute to feelings of joy. If you are angry, trying to smile is very difficult to do. If you are able to force yourself, it will completely change the way you are thinking and possibly the entire trajectory of your day!
Early on in my career I worked with a client who had chronic, complex depression. I had no idea what to do. I was sitting with her in her home and I grabbed her hands and said, "Let’s just smile. 1-2-3 Smile!" I looked ridiculously goofy and I’m sure she thought, there is no way this is going to work, she does not know what she is doing. It was enough to make her laugh and...that's right, you guessed it, smile! This exercise became part of her and her children's daily routine, three times a day
grabbing hands and smiling with one another, no matter what was going on. From that week forward things started to move in a better direction. While I can not say this was the reason for the movement, I can definitely say it was correlated with a major shift.
Simply say out loud, “1-2-3 smile,” and smile a big and silly smile. This exercise can be even more effective when you look in a mirror and say, “1-2-3 smile.” Another way to amplify the effectiveness of this exercise is to grab the hands of a child, a friend, or a partner and as you say it, raise your hands above your head. Do this exercise a minimum of three times in a row.